hiveQ Streams
Addictive to Social Media? That’s our learning platform!

We take the best of social media and fuse it with hiveQ.
The result: an irresistible learning experience for your target audience.
Companies worldwide trust hiveQ

Create channels
Create channels on specific topics. Your users can subscribe to them and constantly discover new learning content.

Personal feed for each user
Users see content from their subscribed channels in their personal feed. Each feed is unique and tailored to the interests of the learner.

Practical features for easy administration
hiveQ Streams allows you to create a great learning environment – and anage it efficiently.
Pre-schedule contributions
Create a new post and determine when it should be posted.
Filter options
Your users can use filter functions to find exactly the content that interests them.
Determine which user groups and which countries are allowed to see certain content.
Share videos, images & trainings
Share interesting graphics, exciting videos or entire trainings with your users. They will automatically be informed about new contributions and will not miss any new content.

Increase user interaction
Build a strong learning community. Users can like posts, interact with other learners in the comments and achieve their learning goals together.

Learn more about hiveQ Streams
We are happy to guide you through this feature in a personal live demo.