Our customer
DB Netz AG

- Industries: Rail infrastructure
- Customers: Railroad transport companies, shippers, logistics companies, freight forwarders, track maintenance companies.
- Plants: Witten switch plant, Schwandorf sleeper plant and Wuppertal signal plant
- Number of employees: Approx. 45,000
Use Case: Online Content | Tool: Content Builder
Progress in a long tradition
DB Netz AG combines a huge number of very different facilities in its area of responsibility. In addition to simple track systems, there is a wide variety of facilities that are indispensable for rail traffic. These include, for example, brake testing systems, hydraulic systems, rail lubrication and conditioning systems, and many more. These date back several centuries and are at different technological levels.
It is therefore crucial for DB Netz AG that all those involved in the life cycle of a plant have an overview of important plants and know their special features and relevant regulations.
The online training course on “mechanical engineering systems” provides precisely this overview. With the help of a Big Picture, learners enter the plants that they themselves look after and follow the main character Martin Meier as he maintains the individual plants. Finally, the learner can download and print out an overview of the relevant ordinances, regulations and standards for each plant. This way, he knows exactly which documents he should delve into further.
An internal test round has already shown: The trainees find this training helpful and it has received an above-average rating for online training at DB Netz AG.